Showit Website for a Multi-Passionate Business Coach and Writer


Jen Glantz, New York-based writer, bridesmaid for hire, podcaster, TV contributor, journalist and soulful business coach, reached out to us in the fall 2020.

Jen is such a multi-passionate entrepreneur that it became apparent Squarespace would be too limiting for her. Jen had an extensive blog archive on her old Wix site and numerous long-form pages explaining her business. We were getting ready to build not just a regular brochure website - but a landing page hub for Jen, showcasing all areas in which she is involved - speaking, writing, coaching, podcasting and digital courses. 

Jen pivoted her business a lot during the pandemic - going from a bridesmaid for hire to creating a suite of digital courses. She needed a platform to showcase her work and friendly personality.

Our platform of choice for this project is Showit - not because it is popular among other business coaches in the industry, but because Showit allows more creative freedom than Squarespace while remaining a low-code solution (low-code design means we had to write almost zero custom code for the website).

We went from grayscale prototype in Figma to a fun and vibrant Showit website in two months. Her new website is playful and feminine and reflects her personal brand.

Jen’s new website has a library of 80+ unique layouts, catering to all her unique business needs - long-form sales pages with interactive elements and a digital course shop. We also migrated her 300+ blog archive from Wix to Showit Wordpress blog.

We had so much fun working with Jen Glantz!


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Olga Kolgusheva

Olga is a web designer & copywriter with a passion for clean editorial type, irregular grids, and monochromatic looks.

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